Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

My birthday was on Sunday (11/6). This was a perfect day for me to revaluate the important things in my life. My birthday this year symbolized the beginning of a new year of possibilities, higher awareness, and overcoming obstacles.  I am fully committing myself to my spiritual journey and becoming a more positive, happier, and healthier person.
It was a day to appreciate and be grateful for all of the people in my life. This was also a chance for me to notice who in my life was dimming my light instead of helping it shine brighter. I wasn’t sad about these people, I was glad. Glad that they were in my life and appreciative of the lessons they taught me. It’s not easy leaving people behind, knowing they may not be present for me this next year but I realized that I want to grow. I know this will be the year of immense growth and opportunity for me. Therefore, I don’t need anyone that will hinder my development. And for that I am thankful. Thankful that I realized this and had the strength and commitment to myself to make this move.

The power of gratitude is that it can take you from a horrible state of mind to one of pure joy and appreciation. I use gratitude a lot in my meditations to help me get centered and focused. Being grateful isn’t just for material things. It is for people, experiences, and lessons throughout your life. Nothing has come to you by accident. Everything has a divine purpose and reason. I am grateful for every experience that has come my way in order to make me a better person.

This blog post seems fitting seeing as we are getting closer to Thanksgiving.
I urge everyone to make a list of everything they are grateful for and look at it daily. This way you will always be in a state of love and abundance.

<3 Live, Love, Miracles

Monday, October 31, 2011

When people show you who they are . . .

The quote goes like this" When people show you who they really are, believe them."
Many times in life we have uneasy encounters with friends, family, and acquaintances. We chock it up to a bad day or a sickness. But how many times do you think to yourself, "Wow, I wonder if this is really who this person is"? Probably not often.

I heard Oprah say this on one of her Lifeclass episodes. (If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend you do!). Anyway, when she said this, it really stung and resonated with me. I kept repeating it over and over again in my head. I even told my husband (he just nodded). But boy was this true! When a loved one abuses your loyalty, trust, or love, STOP making excuses. Look at the situation closely and think whether this could potentially be his/her authentic self coming through.

Here is a simple example. A friend does something cruel to someone else and says to you "Wow, I'm a bit&*". And you probably say "No, no, they had it coming." Whether they did or didn't have it coming, she just told you who she really is...believe it.

Here is another great example. A friend of mine was dealing with a cheating boyfriend.  She made excuses and tried frantically to figure out how she was to blame for his infidelities. He cheated more than a few times so it wasn't a mistake or an accident (or whatever other excuse you can come up with). The truth of the matter is that this was who he really was. A dishonest man! He clearly showed her who he was. The rest was up to her. She quickly realized that even if she took him back, it would continue to happen because this was his true self. Before everyone gets their panties in a knot, I am completely aware of the fact that every person is different and so is every situation. However, people are ALWAYS showing us their authentic selves. We either choose to see it or not. Sometimes it is easier to avert your eyes but eventually you will have to face it.

So pay attention to what people are showing and telling you about who they really are and believe them.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some Words of Inspiration

If you haven't heard of Pinterest, you have to check it out. Basically it's an inspiration or vision board that you create online from your friends pics, your pics, or any that find online. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to share so the easiest way I found was to take screen shots and post to here. If anyone knows of a better way PLEASE let me know! Enjoy!


Please share any of your own inspiration quotes or messages in the comments!
Have a great night!

<3 Live Love Miracles!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ACIM quote to live by

A Course in Miracles quote from Gabrielle Bernstein's book Spirit Junkie.

"If he senses even the faintest hint of irritation in himself as he responds to anyone, let him instantly realize that he has made an interpretation that is not true. Then let him turn within to his eternal Guide, and let Him judge what the response should be."

What this means is that we control our perceptions of everything and therefore it's existence. Being a woman who is naturally sensitive, sometimes hormonal, and often times defensive, I always read too much into what people say. So I might be having a conversation with a friend when she says something that comes off as mean spirited, rude, and just obnoxious. In my head I am thinking "Wow, what a B%$&*! She has said this before so now I really know what she thinks of me." This is the ego speaking and its perception of the situation. If I were to ask my inner wisdom to intervene what would she say? She would probably help me return to love and see that I have myself created the idea that this person is attacking me. If I return to loving thoughts my perception of this person and the situation would completely change. So the question is do you want to live peacefully and happily with loving thoughts of yourself and others? Or would you rather be suffering and angry person? The choice seems simple.

The bigger idea here is that we are truly the creators of everything in our lives. We create our interpretations and therefore our happiness and everything else that exists in our lives. Everything I learn about spirituality, love, and happiness always goes back to the mind and the thoughts that we think. It is such a difficult aspect to wrap our heads around that we think about we actually bring about. Our thoughts bring things into existence. My thought of love towards this person during a tense situation would have brought more love and happiness into both of our lives instead of anger. And so with that I am making a commitment to myself right now that I will try to follow this rule in my everyday life. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 8 Bonus Call: The Truth About Men

Day 8 concludes with a bonus call with Noah Martin, Chris Kyle, and Mike Robbins. They want us to know that the big fat lie women tell themselves is that men are jerks! Surprisingly, all men are NOT jerks ;) They are actually very concerned with making their women happy. Seeing the women in their lives happy is something that is very important to them. One of the men suggested this was perhaps going back to the son and mom relationship where the son wants to please and make his mother proud. Not much of a difference when it comes to his wife, sister, or daughter. Well the men are saying that they are not always sure how to make us happy and are completely frozen with the fear of failure. They ask that we clearly communicate with them what will make us happy (if we know for ourselves). This also reduces the anger that can sometimes get a hold of us when it seems they can't do anything right. If you change the conversation from a laundry list of things to do to “Honey, it would really make me happy if you did this. . .”, men are more likely to be successful. They want to please us but need to know EXACTLY how to do it. So be specific and most importantly, honest. Most importantly, create a safe place for your man to fail. A space filled with unconditional love.

Men love the truth. They want to know exactly who you are. Lay it out. If a guy doesn't appreciate your authentic self then he is obviously not for you. But don't be scared to show him your real self. Wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later if he is going to love you for who you really are? Don't be afraid of the truth, it really will set you free. Amy suggests playing a little game with your man. The if-you-really-knew-me-game. For instance you might say to him "If you really knew me then you would know that I feel completely clear and exhilarated after my meditations." He might reply with "If you really knew me then you would know that I hate my job and am thinking of writing a book." This can go on and on and you have the opportunity to learn so much about each other, and yourself! Give it try. 

That's it for now! Good night!

<3 live, love, miracles!

Day 8: Kristine Carlson: BFL moms tell

Kristine and her late husband were the authors of the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" (one of my faves). She will be coming out with a book for mothers about not sweating the small stuff in the spring of 2012!
Kristine talked a lot about mother's guilt, which we are all quite familiar with. Stay at home moms feel guilty that they are not working and working moms feel guilty they can't be home with their kids. There's no way to win that one! However, Kristine does say that working moms who tend to miss their kids all day long also appreciate their time with them more and are more patient with their little ones than stay at home moms. Before you freak out, this obviously does not mean that if you are a SAHM that you are less of an amazing parent.

Amy and Kris talked about temper tantrums next and how it seems that children sometimes save their tantrums for their moms. They are angels all day long and then when mommy gets home the shit hits the fan. Why?? Apparently it's because our kids feel the safest with us so they have a meltdown. The way we handle these meltdowns is important. Being patient, loving, and kind will ease the situation at times. However, we are only human (and we need to recognize that). Don't be so hard on yourself when you happen to join your child in a meltdown but remember you are the parent and the adult. Remember to love!
One final reminder from Kris: moms are sexy too!

<3Live Love Miracles

Monday, October 17, 2011

A special Monday night treat from Alicia Curtis

Alicia Curtis is my guest blogger for tonight! She is fab! Check out her site:
And here is her amazing blog that has gotten her much attention on, reproduced with her permission of course.

6 ways to START living a Revolutionary Life

So you want to live your Revolutionary life, but not sure where to start? Here are six key areas to start your journey.

1. What’s your revolutionary ambitions?
Most people’s goals suck. Why? Because what most people write down as their goals, is not what they truly want and won’t make them happy. It doesn’t make sense does it? Let me explain.
Most of us have been so influenced by advertising, the media and popular culture to believe that being a certain size, rich and famous will make us happy. That’s what we want, right?
Unfortunately that’s not what will make us happy. In fact, the research says that if we follow these extrinsic rewards, it will actually make us depressed and unhappy. Crazy, huh?
So what should our life purpose and revolutionary ambitions include? Again, the research says, in particular Edward Deci who wrote the book Why We Do What We Do says, if we follow more intrinsic goals such as building better relationships, building mastery in our talents and having a purpose that is bigger than ourselves, our level of happiness increases. Easy...want to try it?
Where is your life purpose at? What goals are you striving for?

2. Are you the master of your talents?
We are led to believe there are ‘born geniuses’ or ‘overnight successes’. The reality is mastery takes time.
So if you are going to invest your time in building mastery, what are you going to focus on - your strengths or your weaknesses? According to Gallup research, ‘each person has greater potential for success if you focus on who you are already - your natural talents’
But even your strengths take hard work! Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers found that the difference between average and extraordinary is about 10,000 hours. Are you in it for the long haul? These days, we expect success so quickly and are not willing to take the long term view.
Don’t put your talents to waste. What are you doing every day to strengthen your talents?

3. Movement every day!
We are meant to move! But everything in our world is built to allow us to stay still - remote controls, cars, escalators!
We’ve so gotten used to the ‘I’m too busy’ excuse that we put movement and exercise on the bottom of our list.
How would you feel though, if you did move every day! Yes, I said every single day! If you did, you would find out that our body and mind works better when you move - we think better, we eat better and we feel better.
It’s not just about exercise, it’s about finding more ways to move everyday. Here are some simple ideas - instead of having coffee with a friend, why not go for a walk, visit a new park every weekend, try new active hobbies like tennis, hiking or swimming. Find the movement that you enjoy and have fun with it.

4. We are what we eat!
I would like you to challenge what you eat!
Brian Johnson, a modern day philosopher said “why is it ok to go out drink beer and eat chicken nuggets but weird to drink green juice and eat sprouts?”
What you eat has been influenced by how you grew up, the media, what’s convenient and what gets stocked at the supermarket. But what if we made an effort to look beyond all of this.
The latest food research such as Joel Fuhrman, MD who wrote the book Eat to Live and The China Study by Colin Thomas PhD and Thomas Campbell MD tells us to eat less of all the foods that are popular and convenient - less refined foods, animal products and sugar and more water, whole foods and dark green leafy vegetables. Just start with small changes such as only drinking water during the day, having a veggie-packed salad for lunch or not buying sugar laden products.
A lot of what we eat is defined by what we know. Try a new recipe every week! Go book yourself into a cooking course and expand your knowledge about cooking and nutrition.

5. Meditation Metamorphosis
I have to admit took me a long time to get what meditation is about. Now it excites me!
Just like you go to the gym to work on your muscles and endurance, meditation is exercise for your mind. It allows you to practice controlling your thoughts. You meditate not for the 15 - 30 minutes of quietness, you meditate for how it makes you feel for the rest of the day and the strength it teaches you about controlling your mind.
The benefits of meditation is extraordinary - less anxiety, decreased chances of depression or anger, boost in your immune system, better focus and increased your wellbeing. And all this can be attained in just eight weeks of consistent meditating!
It’s not easy though. It’s pretty hard to control your mind and your thoughts in the beginning. But like anything, with practice you get better!

6. Be a Revolutionary Role Model
We need people to make the world a better place. Think global, act local. What are you doing to become a better social citizen?
Are you taking care of the animals and environment around you? Could you volunteer at your local homeless shelter? Perhaps you could help out at the local primary school? There are limitless ideas to help the world become a better place.
I would ask yourself what are you passionate about? And how could you use and practice your strengths to help the community. Share your passions, talents and leadership with the world.

 Thanks Alicia! Check out her site:

<3 Live, Love, Miracles!

Day 7: Gabrielle Bernstein

I must first apologize for not keeping up with the summit. I had a really busy weekend and wasn’t able to sit down with the lectures and take notes in order to blog about them. The lectures are only available for 24 hours after they play so this was just not enough time for me. I apologize. However, today was the spirit lecture with my girl Gabby! She is my ‘guru’ and an inspiration for sure.

Being a spiritual being, as Gabby is, starts with a desire. The desire to change and see things differently. You have to really open your heart, mind, and soul to a higher being. The hardest of these is probably opening your heart to more “loving perspectives.”  We’ve been trained in fear and in judgment for so long that making this really important change is also VERY difficult. It’s a “moment to moment” basis, as Gabby says. It takes time. But even the smallest shift in perception is a miracle. You can start by making small subtle shifts everyday that will eventually lead to a higher way of living. If we don’t participate in loving acts we are actually blocking miracles from coming to us. The Course says that miracles should happen each day. If they do not, then something has gone wrong. So if you do not feel you are in a place of receiving miracles, what has gone wrong? Are you closed to the idea of the return to love? Who are you judging? What are you fearing? Who are you not forgiving? Forgiveness, Gabby says, makes love possible. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not mean you are condoning the other person’s behavior. It just means that you are releasing the feelings to allow yourself to reconnect to love.

Gabby begins her spiritual ritual (J) with a prayer from ACIM. In her meditation she says to the universe “Where would you have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say and to who?” This puts you into a state of mind where you are letting a higher knowing guide you. This can be Gd, your inner wisdom, inner guide, universe, or whatever you wish. Connect to the prayer and allow it to guide you to other places in your meditation or journal.  Then listen. Allow yourself to receive, be open to receiving. Be open to any change in perception that may occur.  

Lastly, I will leave you with a quote “There is a divine spiritual assignment in every being”. Think about this and what it means to you and the connections and relationships you make in life. There is a higher reason for every person that you meet and every relationship you partake in.

<3 Live, Love, Miracles

Don’t forget to visit Gabby at and her social networking site (this site is full of amazing women wanting to help you). Also check out her two fab books: Spirit Junkie and Add more ~ing to your life!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 4: Money baby with Alexis Neely

Big Fat Lie: Money will solve all my problems. Money will make me happy. Those are all BIG FAT LIES! Surrender to the fact this is a lie and realize that you have everything that you need. She doesn’t mean a BMW and a fur Prada coat. She means a house, food, love. Alexis went from a 6 figure salary to making millions with startups. She then spent all of her savings on assets and more businesses. She has no money to fall back on in case of an emergency but she KNOWS that more money will come. She gave a few examples of when she didn’t know where the money would come for things and they magically did. You can do the same thing. Call your creditors and tell them your situation, they will compromise with you. Call the electric company and tell them you can only pay $20 this month. They will take it and keep your lights on. People need to learn to communicate without the guilt and shame. But first you have to surrender. Bankruptcy? Ok, let it happen, release it and then start over. You can only go up from there. You will have what you need to survive.

Stop worrying and know that everything will be fine. I read this quote the other day (can’t remember where) “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it empties today of its joy.” AMEN. Worrying is a waste of time. Once you get to the place where you have released your negative perceptions of money, you will be in a place to receive. Make decisions from a place of abundance not from a place of scarcity. This can seem really hard but if you think about it, it’s true. Applying the law of attraction here, we know that we cannot be abundant if all we think about is how much we don’t have what we want. So Alexis says, do what ultimately makes you happy and the money will come from somewhere. There will always be enough. You just have to be in a place to receive it.

Lastly, she says, at the end of the day what you really have is your body to carry you forward. So take care of yourself! This is the most important part. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself. And you can’t change your perceptions on money if your body is not being taken care of properly. So check your priorities. Spend extra on organic vegetables and cut out the coffee. Go out of your way to move your body for 30 minutes a day. And find 5 minutes to meditate. “If everyone took care of themselves, the world would change”. Alexis says take care of yourself, be a queen, and then you will receive. Like Lady Gaga says “I can be the queen” and so can you!

<3 Live, love, miracles

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Success with Michelle Villalobos (Day 3 of the BFL Summit)

Have your own small business? Ever dream of owning one? Want to excel at your corporate job? Whatever sort of success in business you have in mind, Michelle can help!

Michelle spoke a lot about the differences between men and women in the workforce. Men tend to be more assertive, risk takers. Women are more compassionate, not wanting to overprice their products or to self promote too much. We also take failures very hard. Where men tend to not take things so seriously and move on to the next project or product. Women may also 'hedge' their language as Michelle says. We soften our language by saying things like, "I'm not an expert but..." "I'm not 100% sure but..." "...that's just what I think", etc. STOP doing that! Be confident and excited. This will close the deal!

Another huge aspect of being successful is learning how to build a good brand for yourself. How do you stand out? Make your brand sticky and leave an impression on people. For more information on this and to watch videos on creating your own brand, visit

Lastly, Michelle spoke about saying no to business. You don't have to take every single job that comes through the door. You have the right to say no. And when you do, you are actually empowering yourself and your brand. You have to value your own time and work before other people will value you.

Lots of good information for women entrepreneurs!
Next up, in day 4: MONEY with Alexis Neely and Karen Russo.

<3 Live, love, and expect miracles

Marci Shimoff: Day 3 of the Big Fat Lies Summit, SUCCESS

You probably recognize that name. Marci was a huge part of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" as well as "The Secret". She even has her own two bestselling books.
And so day two began with a big fat lie. One that is so common I bet everyone has used it. I'm guilty for sure. Have you ever said to yourself "I'll be happy when... I get that job or that house or that soul mate"? Sure you have. We all do. And it's a big fat lie. You won't be happy then either if you're not happy now. There will always be something more that you want even when it seems you have it all. This happened to me. I got to a place in my life where I had everything I ever wanted. But it still didn't seem to be enough. I wasn't happy because true happiness has nothing to do with the outside world. Inner happiness is true happiness. Marci says all we need to be happy are the mere essentials. After that, we will always want more and more. More money, more beauty, more success. And when it comes to success, she says, inner happiness is what makes a person successful not the other way around. Something to think about.

Then she gave us some statistics from Forbes Magazine. 40% of the wealthiest people are more depressed than the average person. Happy people make about 1 million dollars more than unhappy people over their lifetimes. Being happy and radiating love is what makes you more successful. Having this inside of you is the highest energy for manifestation. That means that the more you love and share happiness the more you will be able to manifest more happiness and love. It makes sense. You bring about what you think about.

Here are some practices that Marci gave us for getting in touch with your true happiness.
1. Inner ease. This is a breathing meditation where you touch your heart and really try to get in tune with it while relaxing and breathing.
2. Practice self love. Ask yourself at some point during the day what the most loving this is you could do for yourself in that moment. Then do it! Maybe it's go for a walk or do a short meditation at your desk.
3. Forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and others is the most powerful tool you can have in your tool belt. A Kahuna Hawaiian practice that is well known around the globe for purification is this: Repeat the following to directed at yourself or someone else: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." Marci shared her own story of using this tool to reconnect with her sister after a fight they had. The results were tremendous. Try forgiving someone today and I promise you will feel much lighter.

In conclusion, success will not bring you happiness. Happiness will bring you success. If there is something holding you back in your career, raise your energy by raising your happiness level. Be present. Don't put off your happiness until later. If you are not happy now in the present, you won't be in the future either. Remember that you don't have to be lost. You can ask for a miracle to change the way you perceive happiness and your life.

Live, love, and expect miracles <3

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 2 continued: Shakaya Leone

And so day 2 wraps up with Shakaya Leone who insists that “Beauty is your essence embodied”. I wasn’t so sure that I understood what that meant when she first said it. But then she continued to state that beauty is not skin deep and it started to make more sense. Beauty isn’t only about your physical looks. Beauty is your essence (soul) radiating (or not) depending on how well you take care of yourself. True beauty can be masked without the proper mental and physical health that we all need to thrive.

Building on what Dr. Lissa spoke about in the previous call, Shakay agrees that it is critical that we listen to our bodies. A zit that pops up on your big day is not random. It’s your body trying to tell you something. Maybe you are too stressed or are eating too many processed foods. LISTEN!

Here is Shakaya’s breakdown of the face (which is actually a map of your internal organs)
A long face = longevity
Nose = your heart. A red or swollen nose may correlate directly to your heart muscles.
Eyes = your true health
Eyebrows = adrenal glands (your immune system and nervous system). Thinning eyebrows may indicate a weaker immune system.
Eyebags (bags under your eyes): kidneys (may indicate you are eating too much sugar or salt)
Frownlines: the left side is associated with your spleen (not standing your ground or being overly emotional) and the right with your liver (think overeating, being angry, or not getting enough sleep)
Hair: overall vitality (your diet)
Cheeks: lungs (note how smokers have sunken cheeks)
Tongue: nervous system

So for me, all of this was a bit over the top. Sure I can see why a zit would mean you are stressed or eating too much fried foods, but the other stuff may be a reach. I would love to think that you really can tell from your face what your organs are feeling, but I need more proof. This is definitely something I will need to do extra research on.

All in all, you can’t take care of others if you do not take care of yourself. Exquisite self care, is what Shakaya calls it. Eating raw for instance is so good for your body that it connects directly to abundance, as she says. You can take good care of yourself through: joy, food, water, work (having meaning), relationships, exercise, and rest. This along with the following are a recipe for a wonderful, healthy life: Reflect (connect to your true self), release (declutter, detox, simplify), receive (love and abundance), relaxation, renewal, and revel (celebrate).

Take what you will from all of this. But know that you can’t possibly have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Your body is what holds your spirit and your love. You would not be without your temple (body). I am a strong believer in eating a plant-based diet. I am vegetarian and am working hard to try to keep a vegan lifestyle as well. If you treat your body well it will be good to you in return. Sugar, caffeine, processed foods, meat, and dairy are all things that hurt your body and work against you. Many of them have been directly linked to diseases that kill millions. Listen, I could go on forever about this but we will save it for another post. In the meantime, look into ‘Crazy, Sexy, Diet’ by Kris Carr. And ask for a miracle. Ask the universe to help you shift your thinking to better focus on a healthy body.

Can’t wait for day 3: Marci Shimoff and Michelle Villalobos speak about success!

<3Live, love, and expect miracles!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1 with Lisa Nichols

Lisa is a bestselling author and coach. You may recognize her name from 'The Secret', 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', Oprah, or her many other appearances and projects.

She began the call today by stating that many people are too wrapped up in what they don't want and what they are trying to avoid that that's what they end up manifesting. "Negative thoughts take physical energy out of the body". Focus on what you do want to create. Focus with clarity and detail about the things that you want to manifest into your life. Give those things all of your attention. This is where it gets tricky because you can't focus on the fact that you do not have whatever it is you want because then you will continue to stay in a place of not having. Make sense? I make a conscious effort to NOT focus on what I do not want. But this is especially hard when you have an inner mean girl in your head. To that Lisa says that you have to train your positive muscles like you would any other muscles. That way when you do have a breakdown you'll be able to bounce back up with no problem. Speaking of breakdowns Lisa says "If you're not having breakdowns, you're not playing big enough". Go for the gold! Reach higher and higher to become better and more successful. And then when you reach a breakdown climbing that ladder to ultimate success, she tells you to really go through each breakdown, feel the feelings, and use the opportunity to learn something about yourself. There is nothing that you can go through that has the power to break you. Only you can break you.

Isn't that true! It's all about how we perceive and choose to view each situation. This change in perception is what A Course in Miracles would call a MIRACLE! And it truly is because you're mind is so powerful that if you can change the way you view a situation, you can ultimately change the situation as well! This is when change begins to happen, as Lisa says, when your mind reaches for something higher. Something on a deeper and higher spiritual level.

For me the most important lesson that Lisa taught was that when life give you lemons, make lemonade. Don't ask why me? Or how could this happen to me? Ask what am I to learn here? What part of me is being challenged? This simple change in perception brings you one miracle closer to true happiness.

Until day 2..... Live, Love, and expect miracles!

Day 1 of the BFL Summit: SARK

Day 1 of The Big Fat Lies Summit included a call with SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) and Lisa Nichols.

SARK and Amy started off the call letting us all know that we are not alone with our Big Fat Lies (BFL). Every single person has BFL that they tell themselves. Even SARK, Amy, President Obama, and Angelina Jolie. So how do you deal with these BFL??? You make that sacred connection to your inner (wiser) self. Making that connection can be difficult at first so SARK recommended writing yourself a letter from your inner self to let the truth flow out on its own.

She also gave us three crucial steps to achieving harmony:
1. Express
2. Release
3. Relief
The first step is the most important. This is all about expressing your real feelings. Let yourself truly feel whatever is happening for you in that moment and don't repress any of it. Otherwise it would cause a dangerous flood of emotion at a later date. I'm going to dwell on that a bit as I have read a bit about that is Gabrielle Bernstein's books as well. Think about how powerful your feelings and emotions are. You know that if you just hide a feeling it will continue to come up again and again in different situations. It will grow and manifest into something much bigger than the original feeling. So the next time something comes up for you, sit there and let yourself feel all the feelings associated with the event. Acknowledge them as being present. But then let them go (2nd step: release) Forgive yourself, forgive others, and move past it. Practice this and you will immediately reap the benefits (3rd step of feeling relief).
This acknowledgment of your feelings and thoughts is such a great tool. Dr.Chris (the leader of my meditation group) also spoke about noticing your thoughts and feelings during meditation and then releasing them to achieve real peace. SARK suggests actually saying to yourself "I see you, I hear you, I acknowledge you".
So for me, my inner mean girl is telling me that I will never be smart enough to be successful. I see this BFL, I hear it (a lot), I am acknowledging it, and I am letting it go because my inner wiser self is telling me this is bull shit. I will no longer let this BFL lead me through life and hold me back.This is an inner dialogue you need to have with yourself to work through your feelings and BFL. Take control back from your 'inner mean girl'!

Stay tuned for the Lisa Nichols blog. She is awesome!

Live, love, and expect miracles <3

Monday, October 10, 2011

10 days to stop the big fat lies

There is something amazing happening in the next 10 days. Some of the most talented motivational speakers are coming together to share their knowledge with all of us for FREE! This is the Big Fat Lies Summit organized by Amy Ahlers, The Wake Up Call Coach.
So what is this all about? This is about women getting together and getting real about the big fat lies that they we are all telling ourselves. You know what I mean. "Oh, I am not good enough for that job or that raise. I am a disappointment to my family and loved ones. I will never find love. I am not smart enough to open a business." And the list goes on. Amy and her team are dedicated to helping us recognize those big fat lies, bring them into our consciousness, and then work through them. Learn how to stop beating yourself up and start loving yourself for all that you are and all that you can be.
The reason I am pumped for this is because of the amazing line up of speakers!!


  • Big Fat Lies About Self-Worth: SARK & Lisa Nichols
  • Big Fat Lies About Body and Self-Care: Dr. Lissa Rankin & Shakaya Leone
  • Big Fat Lies About Love & Relationships: Arielle Ford & Carol Allen
  • Big Fat Lies About Money: Karen Russo & Alexis Martin Neely
  • Big Fat Lies About Success: Marci Shimoff & Michelle Villalobos
  • Big Fat Lies About Being Authentic: Shiloh Sophia McCloud & Dyana Valentine
  • Big Fat Lies About Spirit: Gabrielle Bernstein & Claire Zammit
  • BONUS SESSION: Big Fat Lies MOMS tell themselves: Kristine Carlson
  • BONUS SESSION: Big Fat Lies about MEN: Mike Robbins, Noah Martin, Chris Kyle
  • Your Inner Superstar Awakened: Samantha Bennett & Christine Arylo
  • FINALE: Amy Ahlers LIVE, INTERACTIVE Call to bust through any remaining Big Fat Lies!

This amazing self love summit starts today so register now at to listen to the calls for free. You have access to each call for 24 hours after it starts. Should you want to purchase all the calls and transcripts and other goodies you can do so at

I will be blogging about each of the calls with any additional info I can provide and with my own experiences and opinions. Comments welcomed!

I will leave you with this quote from Samantha Bennett from last night's intro call "I am not interested in complaining about my life. I'm interested in changing the world." may we all live by that each day. 

Live, love, and expect miracles!

P.S. I am not in any way related to the summit. i just thought it would neat to blog about the summit and my experiences.