Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 8: Kristine Carlson: BFL moms tell

Kristine and her late husband were the authors of the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" (one of my faves). She will be coming out with a book for mothers about not sweating the small stuff in the spring of 2012!
Kristine talked a lot about mother's guilt, which we are all quite familiar with. Stay at home moms feel guilty that they are not working and working moms feel guilty they can't be home with their kids. There's no way to win that one! However, Kristine does say that working moms who tend to miss their kids all day long also appreciate their time with them more and are more patient with their little ones than stay at home moms. Before you freak out, this obviously does not mean that if you are a SAHM that you are less of an amazing parent.

Amy and Kris talked about temper tantrums next and how it seems that children sometimes save their tantrums for their moms. They are angels all day long and then when mommy gets home the shit hits the fan. Why?? Apparently it's because our kids feel the safest with us so they have a meltdown. The way we handle these meltdowns is important. Being patient, loving, and kind will ease the situation at times. However, we are only human (and we need to recognize that). Don't be so hard on yourself when you happen to join your child in a meltdown but remember you are the parent and the adult. Remember to love!
One final reminder from Kris: moms are sexy too!

<3Live Love Miracles

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