Thursday, October 13, 2011

Marci Shimoff: Day 3 of the Big Fat Lies Summit, SUCCESS

You probably recognize that name. Marci was a huge part of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" as well as "The Secret". She even has her own two bestselling books.
And so day two began with a big fat lie. One that is so common I bet everyone has used it. I'm guilty for sure. Have you ever said to yourself "I'll be happy when... I get that job or that house or that soul mate"? Sure you have. We all do. And it's a big fat lie. You won't be happy then either if you're not happy now. There will always be something more that you want even when it seems you have it all. This happened to me. I got to a place in my life where I had everything I ever wanted. But it still didn't seem to be enough. I wasn't happy because true happiness has nothing to do with the outside world. Inner happiness is true happiness. Marci says all we need to be happy are the mere essentials. After that, we will always want more and more. More money, more beauty, more success. And when it comes to success, she says, inner happiness is what makes a person successful not the other way around. Something to think about.

Then she gave us some statistics from Forbes Magazine. 40% of the wealthiest people are more depressed than the average person. Happy people make about 1 million dollars more than unhappy people over their lifetimes. Being happy and radiating love is what makes you more successful. Having this inside of you is the highest energy for manifestation. That means that the more you love and share happiness the more you will be able to manifest more happiness and love. It makes sense. You bring about what you think about.

Here are some practices that Marci gave us for getting in touch with your true happiness.
1. Inner ease. This is a breathing meditation where you touch your heart and really try to get in tune with it while relaxing and breathing.
2. Practice self love. Ask yourself at some point during the day what the most loving this is you could do for yourself in that moment. Then do it! Maybe it's go for a walk or do a short meditation at your desk.
3. Forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and others is the most powerful tool you can have in your tool belt. A Kahuna Hawaiian practice that is well known around the globe for purification is this: Repeat the following to directed at yourself or someone else: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." Marci shared her own story of using this tool to reconnect with her sister after a fight they had. The results were tremendous. Try forgiving someone today and I promise you will feel much lighter.

In conclusion, success will not bring you happiness. Happiness will bring you success. If there is something holding you back in your career, raise your energy by raising your happiness level. Be present. Don't put off your happiness until later. If you are not happy now in the present, you won't be in the future either. Remember that you don't have to be lost. You can ask for a miracle to change the way you perceive happiness and your life.

Live, love, and expect miracles <3

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