Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1 of the BFL Summit: SARK

Day 1 of The Big Fat Lies Summit included a call with SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) and Lisa Nichols.

SARK and Amy started off the call letting us all know that we are not alone with our Big Fat Lies (BFL). Every single person has BFL that they tell themselves. Even SARK, Amy, President Obama, and Angelina Jolie. So how do you deal with these BFL??? You make that sacred connection to your inner (wiser) self. Making that connection can be difficult at first so SARK recommended writing yourself a letter from your inner self to let the truth flow out on its own.

She also gave us three crucial steps to achieving harmony:
1. Express
2. Release
3. Relief
The first step is the most important. This is all about expressing your real feelings. Let yourself truly feel whatever is happening for you in that moment and don't repress any of it. Otherwise it would cause a dangerous flood of emotion at a later date. I'm going to dwell on that a bit as I have read a bit about that is Gabrielle Bernstein's books as well. Think about how powerful your feelings and emotions are. You know that if you just hide a feeling it will continue to come up again and again in different situations. It will grow and manifest into something much bigger than the original feeling. So the next time something comes up for you, sit there and let yourself feel all the feelings associated with the event. Acknowledge them as being present. But then let them go (2nd step: release) Forgive yourself, forgive others, and move past it. Practice this and you will immediately reap the benefits (3rd step of feeling relief).
This acknowledgment of your feelings and thoughts is such a great tool. Dr.Chris (the leader of my meditation group) also spoke about noticing your thoughts and feelings during meditation and then releasing them to achieve real peace. SARK suggests actually saying to yourself "I see you, I hear you, I acknowledge you".
So for me, my inner mean girl is telling me that I will never be smart enough to be successful. I see this BFL, I hear it (a lot), I am acknowledging it, and I am letting it go because my inner wiser self is telling me this is bull shit. I will no longer let this BFL lead me through life and hold me back.This is an inner dialogue you need to have with yourself to work through your feelings and BFL. Take control back from your 'inner mean girl'!

Stay tuned for the Lisa Nichols blog. She is awesome!

Live, love, and expect miracles <3

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