Monday, October 31, 2011

When people show you who they are . . .

The quote goes like this" When people show you who they really are, believe them."
Many times in life we have uneasy encounters with friends, family, and acquaintances. We chock it up to a bad day or a sickness. But how many times do you think to yourself, "Wow, I wonder if this is really who this person is"? Probably not often.

I heard Oprah say this on one of her Lifeclass episodes. (If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend you do!). Anyway, when she said this, it really stung and resonated with me. I kept repeating it over and over again in my head. I even told my husband (he just nodded). But boy was this true! When a loved one abuses your loyalty, trust, or love, STOP making excuses. Look at the situation closely and think whether this could potentially be his/her authentic self coming through.

Here is a simple example. A friend does something cruel to someone else and says to you "Wow, I'm a bit&*". And you probably say "No, no, they had it coming." Whether they did or didn't have it coming, she just told you who she really is...believe it.

Here is another great example. A friend of mine was dealing with a cheating boyfriend.  She made excuses and tried frantically to figure out how she was to blame for his infidelities. He cheated more than a few times so it wasn't a mistake or an accident (or whatever other excuse you can come up with). The truth of the matter is that this was who he really was. A dishonest man! He clearly showed her who he was. The rest was up to her. She quickly realized that even if she took him back, it would continue to happen because this was his true self. Before everyone gets their panties in a knot, I am completely aware of the fact that every person is different and so is every situation. However, people are ALWAYS showing us their authentic selves. We either choose to see it or not. Sometimes it is easier to avert your eyes but eventually you will have to face it.

So pay attention to what people are showing and telling you about who they really are and believe them.

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