Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 4: Money baby with Alexis Neely

Big Fat Lie: Money will solve all my problems. Money will make me happy. Those are all BIG FAT LIES! Surrender to the fact this is a lie and realize that you have everything that you need. She doesn’t mean a BMW and a fur Prada coat. She means a house, food, love. Alexis went from a 6 figure salary to making millions with startups. She then spent all of her savings on assets and more businesses. She has no money to fall back on in case of an emergency but she KNOWS that more money will come. She gave a few examples of when she didn’t know where the money would come for things and they magically did. You can do the same thing. Call your creditors and tell them your situation, they will compromise with you. Call the electric company and tell them you can only pay $20 this month. They will take it and keep your lights on. People need to learn to communicate without the guilt and shame. But first you have to surrender. Bankruptcy? Ok, let it happen, release it and then start over. You can only go up from there. You will have what you need to survive.

Stop worrying and know that everything will be fine. I read this quote the other day (can’t remember where) “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it empties today of its joy.” AMEN. Worrying is a waste of time. Once you get to the place where you have released your negative perceptions of money, you will be in a place to receive. Make decisions from a place of abundance not from a place of scarcity. This can seem really hard but if you think about it, it’s true. Applying the law of attraction here, we know that we cannot be abundant if all we think about is how much we don’t have what we want. So Alexis says, do what ultimately makes you happy and the money will come from somewhere. There will always be enough. You just have to be in a place to receive it.

Lastly, she says, at the end of the day what you really have is your body to carry you forward. So take care of yourself! This is the most important part. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself. And you can’t change your perceptions on money if your body is not being taken care of properly. So check your priorities. Spend extra on organic vegetables and cut out the coffee. Go out of your way to move your body for 30 minutes a day. And find 5 minutes to meditate. “If everyone took care of themselves, the world would change”. Alexis says take care of yourself, be a queen, and then you will receive. Like Lady Gaga says “I can be the queen” and so can you!

<3 Live, love, miracles

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