Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 8 Bonus Call: The Truth About Men

Day 8 concludes with a bonus call with Noah Martin, Chris Kyle, and Mike Robbins. They want us to know that the big fat lie women tell themselves is that men are jerks! Surprisingly, all men are NOT jerks ;) They are actually very concerned with making their women happy. Seeing the women in their lives happy is something that is very important to them. One of the men suggested this was perhaps going back to the son and mom relationship where the son wants to please and make his mother proud. Not much of a difference when it comes to his wife, sister, or daughter. Well the men are saying that they are not always sure how to make us happy and are completely frozen with the fear of failure. They ask that we clearly communicate with them what will make us happy (if we know for ourselves). This also reduces the anger that can sometimes get a hold of us when it seems they can't do anything right. If you change the conversation from a laundry list of things to do to “Honey, it would really make me happy if you did this. . .”, men are more likely to be successful. They want to please us but need to know EXACTLY how to do it. So be specific and most importantly, honest. Most importantly, create a safe place for your man to fail. A space filled with unconditional love.

Men love the truth. They want to know exactly who you are. Lay it out. If a guy doesn't appreciate your authentic self then he is obviously not for you. But don't be scared to show him your real self. Wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later if he is going to love you for who you really are? Don't be afraid of the truth, it really will set you free. Amy suggests playing a little game with your man. The if-you-really-knew-me-game. For instance you might say to him "If you really knew me then you would know that I feel completely clear and exhilarated after my meditations." He might reply with "If you really knew me then you would know that I hate my job and am thinking of writing a book." This can go on and on and you have the opportunity to learn so much about each other, and yourself! Give it try. 

That's it for now! Good night!

<3 live, love, miracles!

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