Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1 with Lisa Nichols

Lisa is a bestselling author and coach. You may recognize her name from 'The Secret', 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', Oprah, or her many other appearances and projects.

She began the call today by stating that many people are too wrapped up in what they don't want and what they are trying to avoid that that's what they end up manifesting. "Negative thoughts take physical energy out of the body". Focus on what you do want to create. Focus with clarity and detail about the things that you want to manifest into your life. Give those things all of your attention. This is where it gets tricky because you can't focus on the fact that you do not have whatever it is you want because then you will continue to stay in a place of not having. Make sense? I make a conscious effort to NOT focus on what I do not want. But this is especially hard when you have an inner mean girl in your head. To that Lisa says that you have to train your positive muscles like you would any other muscles. That way when you do have a breakdown you'll be able to bounce back up with no problem. Speaking of breakdowns Lisa says "If you're not having breakdowns, you're not playing big enough". Go for the gold! Reach higher and higher to become better and more successful. And then when you reach a breakdown climbing that ladder to ultimate success, she tells you to really go through each breakdown, feel the feelings, and use the opportunity to learn something about yourself. There is nothing that you can go through that has the power to break you. Only you can break you.

Isn't that true! It's all about how we perceive and choose to view each situation. This change in perception is what A Course in Miracles would call a MIRACLE! And it truly is because you're mind is so powerful that if you can change the way you view a situation, you can ultimately change the situation as well! This is when change begins to happen, as Lisa says, when your mind reaches for something higher. Something on a deeper and higher spiritual level.

For me the most important lesson that Lisa taught was that when life give you lemons, make lemonade. Don't ask why me? Or how could this happen to me? Ask what am I to learn here? What part of me is being challenged? This simple change in perception brings you one miracle closer to true happiness.

Until day 2..... Live, Love, and expect miracles!

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