Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ACIM quote to live by

A Course in Miracles quote from Gabrielle Bernstein's book Spirit Junkie.

"If he senses even the faintest hint of irritation in himself as he responds to anyone, let him instantly realize that he has made an interpretation that is not true. Then let him turn within to his eternal Guide, and let Him judge what the response should be."

What this means is that we control our perceptions of everything and therefore it's existence. Being a woman who is naturally sensitive, sometimes hormonal, and often times defensive, I always read too much into what people say. So I might be having a conversation with a friend when she says something that comes off as mean spirited, rude, and just obnoxious. In my head I am thinking "Wow, what a B%$&*! She has said this before so now I really know what she thinks of me." This is the ego speaking and its perception of the situation. If I were to ask my inner wisdom to intervene what would she say? She would probably help me return to love and see that I have myself created the idea that this person is attacking me. If I return to loving thoughts my perception of this person and the situation would completely change. So the question is do you want to live peacefully and happily with loving thoughts of yourself and others? Or would you rather be suffering and angry person? The choice seems simple.

The bigger idea here is that we are truly the creators of everything in our lives. We create our interpretations and therefore our happiness and everything else that exists in our lives. Everything I learn about spirituality, love, and happiness always goes back to the mind and the thoughts that we think. It is such a difficult aspect to wrap our heads around that we think about we actually bring about. Our thoughts bring things into existence. My thought of love towards this person during a tense situation would have brought more love and happiness into both of our lives instead of anger. And so with that I am making a commitment to myself right now that I will try to follow this rule in my everyday life. 

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