Monday, October 10, 2011

10 days to stop the big fat lies

There is something amazing happening in the next 10 days. Some of the most talented motivational speakers are coming together to share their knowledge with all of us for FREE! This is the Big Fat Lies Summit organized by Amy Ahlers, The Wake Up Call Coach.
So what is this all about? This is about women getting together and getting real about the big fat lies that they we are all telling ourselves. You know what I mean. "Oh, I am not good enough for that job or that raise. I am a disappointment to my family and loved ones. I will never find love. I am not smart enough to open a business." And the list goes on. Amy and her team are dedicated to helping us recognize those big fat lies, bring them into our consciousness, and then work through them. Learn how to stop beating yourself up and start loving yourself for all that you are and all that you can be.
The reason I am pumped for this is because of the amazing line up of speakers!!


  • Big Fat Lies About Self-Worth: SARK & Lisa Nichols
  • Big Fat Lies About Body and Self-Care: Dr. Lissa Rankin & Shakaya Leone
  • Big Fat Lies About Love & Relationships: Arielle Ford & Carol Allen
  • Big Fat Lies About Money: Karen Russo & Alexis Martin Neely
  • Big Fat Lies About Success: Marci Shimoff & Michelle Villalobos
  • Big Fat Lies About Being Authentic: Shiloh Sophia McCloud & Dyana Valentine
  • Big Fat Lies About Spirit: Gabrielle Bernstein & Claire Zammit
  • BONUS SESSION: Big Fat Lies MOMS tell themselves: Kristine Carlson
  • BONUS SESSION: Big Fat Lies about MEN: Mike Robbins, Noah Martin, Chris Kyle
  • Your Inner Superstar Awakened: Samantha Bennett & Christine Arylo
  • FINALE: Amy Ahlers LIVE, INTERACTIVE Call to bust through any remaining Big Fat Lies!

This amazing self love summit starts today so register now at to listen to the calls for free. You have access to each call for 24 hours after it starts. Should you want to purchase all the calls and transcripts and other goodies you can do so at

I will be blogging about each of the calls with any additional info I can provide and with my own experiences and opinions. Comments welcomed!

I will leave you with this quote from Samantha Bennett from last night's intro call "I am not interested in complaining about my life. I'm interested in changing the world." may we all live by that each day. 

Live, love, and expect miracles!

P.S. I am not in any way related to the summit. i just thought it would neat to blog about the summit and my experiences. 

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