Sunday, November 20, 2011

Take action to end child sex slavery

You may have noticed the "DONATE" option to the right of my posts. This is a donation for the Somaly Mam Foundation. It is an non-profit organization that is trying to end childhood sex slavery is Cambodia. If you think that sex slavery is something that doesn't exist anymore, you are DEAD wrong. It's everywhere. It's even present in the United States. It's horrible, sickening, and heartbreaking that in our world today a 6 year old girl can be sold into sex slavery. The other side of the coin is that grown men from all over the world are paying big fat dollars to rape this virgin. Let all of that sink in because it is a lot to understand.

A recent NY Times article depicts the details of this 6 year old girl's story: Read the article here

This story has a nice ending. That ending involves the Somaly Mam Foundation that helps law enforcement close down brothels and saves young girls from years of torture and rape. They took in this young girl after she escaped. At the Somaly Mam Foundation girls are helped through the recovery stage, reintegration stage, and are even educated for local jobs. They are given a second chance at life all thanks to Somaly Mam who herself is a survivor of sex trafficking. I will post a link to her heartbreaking story below.

In conclusion, after reading about Somaly and the other girls that have endured such events, I was called to action. 100% of the proceeds that are donated on this blog will go to the Somaly Mam Foundation. There they will be used to help rescue more girls, shut down brothels, and to care for the girls currently there. I will be continuing my research on this topic and finding other ways we can all contribute and help end this horrible billion dollar business. Stay tuned for more information on other charities, foundations, and networks.

Thank you in advance for your donations. Please visit The Somaly Mam Foundation for a lot more information and the opportunity to purchase survivor made gifts.

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