Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 2: Dr. Lissa Rankin

Day 2 was centered about your body. Who better than Dr. Lissa Rankin to speak about that. She is a gynecologist and author, among other things. This was a really powerful and eye opening call. 

Could it be that the medical world has been deceiving us for many years? Do we really need doctors and modern medicine to heal ourselves. Lissa argues that no, we do not. We have the power in our minds to completely heal ourselves of all ailments. Think, the placebo effect. This has been driving the medical world crazy. How could a fake drug work?? Easily, if you believe it, anything can happen. Lissa told a story of a doctor diagnosed with a very severe cancer. He was given two weeks to live when a controversial drug was introduced. Absolutely certain it would help him, he convinced his doctors to let him try it. 10 days later he walked out of the hospital without the cancer. However, three months later when he read an article stating that this drug does NOT work, his tumors returned! His doctors (realizing what was happening) assured him he did not receive the pure version of the drug before. Injecting him with saline they told him this was the purest form of the drug. He believed it and was cancer free once again. The story ends with this man reading another article proclaiming once again this drug does NOT work. He died a few days later. True story, think about it. let the power of the mind really sink in for you. It's a lot to wrap your head around.

So what is your source of truth? That man's truth was anything he read in a medical journal. Do you believe everything the news and media tell you? Reconsider the fact that no one knows your body better than you do. The media can tell you a certain disease is untreatable but your mind may know a different truth.YOU should be your source of truth. When you listen carefully to your body, it will always tell you the truth. Lissa calls that your inner pilot light or your feminine intuition. Listen to it, connect to it, and acknowledge what the root cause of your pain or disease is. Until you work through the root cause you will only be throwing medicine at a problem that doesn’t need it. Where are you feeling pain? Ask yourself why and then communicate with your pain or disease. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. But I have actually heard this multiple times. Wayne Dyer for instance insists that he never gets sick because when he feels something small coming on, he talks to it and heals himself without medicine. His daughter spoke to small facial deformity that the doctors could not get rid of. And what do you know, GONE!

Don't quite believe me? Do your own research. And ask for a miracle to alter your perception of your source of truth and the power of the mind.

The most important lesson learned here is that if you don’t really listen to your body you may miss something that will resurface later as something much worse. Shakay Leon speaks more about this in the next call. Stay tuned.

<3 Live, love, and expect miracles!

P.S. Check out Dr. Lissa’s website:

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