Sunday, November 20, 2011

Take action to end child sex slavery

You may have noticed the "DONATE" option to the right of my posts. This is a donation for the Somaly Mam Foundation. It is an non-profit organization that is trying to end childhood sex slavery is Cambodia. If you think that sex slavery is something that doesn't exist anymore, you are DEAD wrong. It's everywhere. It's even present in the United States. It's horrible, sickening, and heartbreaking that in our world today a 6 year old girl can be sold into sex slavery. The other side of the coin is that grown men from all over the world are paying big fat dollars to rape this virgin. Let all of that sink in because it is a lot to understand.

A recent NY Times article depicts the details of this 6 year old girl's story: Read the article here

This story has a nice ending. That ending involves the Somaly Mam Foundation that helps law enforcement close down brothels and saves young girls from years of torture and rape. They took in this young girl after she escaped. At the Somaly Mam Foundation girls are helped through the recovery stage, reintegration stage, and are even educated for local jobs. They are given a second chance at life all thanks to Somaly Mam who herself is a survivor of sex trafficking. I will post a link to her heartbreaking story below.

In conclusion, after reading about Somaly and the other girls that have endured such events, I was called to action. 100% of the proceeds that are donated on this blog will go to the Somaly Mam Foundation. There they will be used to help rescue more girls, shut down brothels, and to care for the girls currently there. I will be continuing my research on this topic and finding other ways we can all contribute and help end this horrible billion dollar business. Stay tuned for more information on other charities, foundations, and networks.

Thank you in advance for your donations. Please visit The Somaly Mam Foundation for a lot more information and the opportunity to purchase survivor made gifts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The color green

I got home from work early the other day and my husband and son were out. I took this time to catch up on Oprah's Lifeclass with doing my trampoline workout. Oprah was talking about making dreams come true and had a few different people that she interviewed through the years. This made me start thinking about kids being encouraged to dream big and live to their fullest potential. Unfortunately, many children in the world today don't even have food let alone the support they need to dream big. I have been receiving a lot of signs from the universe lately to help children. I was guided to where I have sponsored Shantana from Bangladesh. Still feeling like there is more I can do and wanting to have a bigger impact on children, I decided to meditate. Side note: I find meditation to be much more meaningful after a workout.

 My meditation started with lots of thoughts and ideas on how I could help children. Start an orphanage, charity, foster home, adopt, teach, volunteer. Falling deeper and deeper into my meditation, I started to see the color green. Plants, broccoli, grass, all a bright and vibrant green. I, of course, Googled it to see what that meant. Here is what I found ( I have underlined some key points):

Meditating on the color green deepens your connection to your inner being. We rejoice in the spring when plants burst forth and surround us with multiple shades of green. We are stimulated to fruitful action by this color. This healing color can ease the pain of grief and sorrow. It can also deepen feelings of satisfaction and remove toxic factors on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Meditation on green can help you achieve greater success in all activities because it establishes a closer connection between conscious action and unconscious intention.

WOW, this was so meaningful to me and really proves that meditation is real. It is a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe. It is the all-knowing. In conclusion, I didn't get a 'real' answer so what my next step should be. But I trust that through meditation and divine synchronicities, I will be guided.

<3 Live, love, miracles

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One of the best resources out there

I stumbled upon an awesome resource the other day. Although, spiritually speaking, we never stumble upon anything. The universe delivers what we need at the time we need it. Perfect timing for me. . . as it always is. is a virtual school that offers some of the best and most useful classes in around. Having gone to business school, I heard a lot that I should just forget whatever I learned in school and that I will never use it. "All you really need is experience." Well these classes are way different. At The Entheos Academy you will learn how to live an optimal life. Choose from a variety of courses ranging from health, nutrition, sexuality, spirituality, creativity, money, and much more. Enjoy online access and live calls with some of today's leading teachers: Steve Sisgold, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joel Fuhrman, Brian Johnson, and many more.
What attracted me to this site, other than a 5 week course with Gabby, was Brian Johnson's Philosopher's Notes. Remember Cliff's Notes? This is better! Get MP3s or PDFs of Brian's synopsis (covering all main ideas) of hundreds of amazing books. Each audio is about 20 minutes long and is filled with insight, quotes, and even Brian's personal stories to help drive home some concepts. 

Here are some of the titles:

"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle
"How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie
"Ask and It is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks,
"Happy for No Reason" by Marci Shimoff
"Real Magic" by Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Spiritual Liberation" by Michael Bernard Beckwith
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Seriously, hundreds!

You can view a full list here of volumes I and II:
View the Audio and Ebook versions available here:
Here is a link to the Optimal Living 101 site:

This is an amazing resource that will surely enhance your life! Listen to the notes in the car, at work, or at the gym. Then choose your fav and purchase the book!

<3 Live, Love, Miracles

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is it really a coincidence?

Gabby calls it divine synchronicity. Others call it a coincidence or a freak accident. But what is it really when you keep seeing the same things over and over again? Have you ever thought about someone and then they called you? What are these little coincidences and what do they mean? Well, I personally think it’s your spiritual guide, intuition, ~ing, or G-d showing you that it is here to guide you. Just a little wink. Or perhaps it is even a sign towards something specific.

Gabby recently posted this vlog on divine synchronicity. You can find it here:

Many of the ladies on have been talking about the synchronicity in their lives. One girl has been wanting a tattoo for quite some time but wasn’t sure what to get. She asked the universe for a sign and later that day saw a picture with a caption “Get this tattoo”. The picture happened to be very significant to her and she saw this as a HUGE sign. I have been experiencing some of my own ‘coincidences’ lately. Here are some examples:

- Talking with my co-workers about dentists and then my dentist calling me
- Hearing stories about troubled children and then seeing a billboard
- Thinking about someone and then they call

I think the more we are aligned with the universe, the more the divine synchronicity occurs. Perhaps they are even a sign trying to lead us to our true calling. I have been getting a lot of signs lately that I should donate to children's charities. I don't know what this means but I am going with it and taking spiritually aligned action. We have to remember that everything happens for a reason. There is a purpose for everything. It all depends of perspective and how we choose to see each situation or 'coincidence'.
What sort of events can you attribute to divine synchronicity?

<3 Live Love Miracles

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

My birthday was on Sunday (11/6). This was a perfect day for me to revaluate the important things in my life. My birthday this year symbolized the beginning of a new year of possibilities, higher awareness, and overcoming obstacles.  I am fully committing myself to my spiritual journey and becoming a more positive, happier, and healthier person.
It was a day to appreciate and be grateful for all of the people in my life. This was also a chance for me to notice who in my life was dimming my light instead of helping it shine brighter. I wasn’t sad about these people, I was glad. Glad that they were in my life and appreciative of the lessons they taught me. It’s not easy leaving people behind, knowing they may not be present for me this next year but I realized that I want to grow. I know this will be the year of immense growth and opportunity for me. Therefore, I don’t need anyone that will hinder my development. And for that I am thankful. Thankful that I realized this and had the strength and commitment to myself to make this move.

The power of gratitude is that it can take you from a horrible state of mind to one of pure joy and appreciation. I use gratitude a lot in my meditations to help me get centered and focused. Being grateful isn’t just for material things. It is for people, experiences, and lessons throughout your life. Nothing has come to you by accident. Everything has a divine purpose and reason. I am grateful for every experience that has come my way in order to make me a better person.

This blog post seems fitting seeing as we are getting closer to Thanksgiving.
I urge everyone to make a list of everything they are grateful for and look at it daily. This way you will always be in a state of love and abundance.

<3 Live, Love, Miracles