Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One of the best resources out there

I stumbled upon an awesome resource the other day. Although, spiritually speaking, we never stumble upon anything. The universe delivers what we need at the time we need it. Perfect timing for me. . . as it always is.

http://www.entheosacademy.com is a virtual school that offers some of the best and most useful classes in around. Having gone to business school, I heard a lot that I should just forget whatever I learned in school and that I will never use it. "All you really need is experience." Well these classes are way different. At The Entheos Academy you will learn how to live an optimal life. Choose from a variety of courses ranging from health, nutrition, sexuality, spirituality, creativity, money, and much more. Enjoy online access and live calls with some of today's leading teachers: Steve Sisgold, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joel Fuhrman, Brian Johnson, and many more.
What attracted me to this site, other than a 5 week course with Gabby, was Brian Johnson's Philosopher's Notes. Remember Cliff's Notes? This is better! Get MP3s or PDFs of Brian's synopsis (covering all main ideas) of hundreds of amazing books. Each audio is about 20 minutes long and is filled with insight, quotes, and even Brian's personal stories to help drive home some concepts. 

Here are some of the titles:

"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle
"How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie
"Ask and It is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks,
"Happy for No Reason" by Marci Shimoff
"Real Magic" by Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Spiritual Liberation" by Michael Bernard Beckwith
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Seriously, hundreds!

You can view a full list here of volumes I and II: http://bit.ly/rYtpTK
View the Audio and Ebook versions available here: http://bit.ly/tTi7cy
Here is a link to the Optimal Living 101 site: http://bit.ly/v8hTUz

This is an amazing resource that will surely enhance your life! Listen to the notes in the car, at work, or at the gym. Then choose your fav and purchase the book!

<3 Live, Love, Miracles

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