Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The color green

I got home from work early the other day and my husband and son were out. I took this time to catch up on Oprah's Lifeclass with doing my trampoline workout. Oprah was talking about making dreams come true and had a few different people that she interviewed through the years. This made me start thinking about kids being encouraged to dream big and live to their fullest potential. Unfortunately, many children in the world today don't even have food let alone the support they need to dream big. I have been receiving a lot of signs from the universe lately to help children. I was guided to where I have sponsored Shantana from Bangladesh. Still feeling like there is more I can do and wanting to have a bigger impact on children, I decided to meditate. Side note: I find meditation to be much more meaningful after a workout.

 My meditation started with lots of thoughts and ideas on how I could help children. Start an orphanage, charity, foster home, adopt, teach, volunteer. Falling deeper and deeper into my meditation, I started to see the color green. Plants, broccoli, grass, all a bright and vibrant green. I, of course, Googled it to see what that meant. Here is what I found ( I have underlined some key points):

Meditating on the color green deepens your connection to your inner being. We rejoice in the spring when plants burst forth and surround us with multiple shades of green. We are stimulated to fruitful action by this color. This healing color can ease the pain of grief and sorrow. It can also deepen feelings of satisfaction and remove toxic factors on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Meditation on green can help you achieve greater success in all activities because it establishes a closer connection between conscious action and unconscious intention.

WOW, this was so meaningful to me and really proves that meditation is real. It is a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe. It is the all-knowing. In conclusion, I didn't get a 'real' answer so what my next step should be. But I trust that through meditation and divine synchronicities, I will be guided.

<3 Live, love, miracles

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