Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Love, The Universe, and your ~ing

Good morning!

My last post was very general so I hope this one gets into a little more detail and sort of sets the path for future posts. As I spoke about yesterday, Gabrielle Bernstein is a true teacher for me. She has really opened my eyes to what our lives can and should be. Gabby is a teacher of "A Course in Miracles". ACIM is a metaphysical text that helps guide the student back to love and away from fear and negativity. I currently have ACIM on stand by as I finish Gabby's most recent book "Spirit Junkie". The gist of what teachers like Gabby and Marianne Williamson (also a teacher of ACIM) speak about is that when we were born we where whole. We were pure, had no fears, and knew how to love. As we grew, fear was instilled into us and we began to turn our backs on love and focus more on the fear in our lives. I admit it is very difficult after many years of worrying, fearing, judging, and hating to just flip a switch and start loving everyone and everything. It takes time, energy, and focus. But the it is a rewarding process full of gratitude and happiness. Mother Teresa says, "If you judge people you have no time to judge them." practice this and I promise you will start to shift your mind set and change your mood.

Another key aspect that Gabby speaks about (which really resonated with me) is surrendering yourself to the Universe, Gd, Holy Spirit, or whoever/whatever you feel a connection with. What this means is that you acknowledge that the Universe has a plan for you. Sure, you get to make decisions and choose some paths, but there is a bigger plan. You have a purpose. Once you surrender yourself and your planning, Gd has the opportunity to take over and guide you on the best path for you. If something in your life is not working out the way you had hoped, you have to believe that there is something better coming. The Universe has your back (as Gabby would say). Honestly, once I started practicing that, saying that to myself, and meditating on it, my life changed. Suddenly I got the job I wanted, the house, the people, and most importantly there was an attitude adjustment.

The last thing I want to talk about right now is your inner guide (~ing, from Gabby B.). This is your inner voice that has all the answers. You never have to be afraid and you never have to wonder. You just have to ask, surrender, and then listen.This is best done through meditation. Sitting quietly and letting your mind be still will allow you to hear your inner voice and receive messages from the Universe. The more you practice this the better you will be at it. I suggest Gabby's guided meditations for beginners. These can be found on iTunes.

Those three key points (love, the Universe having your back, and your inner guide) are only the beginning as you can imagine. however, it's a great start and anyone would benefit from practicing these.

Stay tuned, much more to come about the ego, your health, tapping, miracles, meditation, and SO much more!

Live, love, and expect miracles today <3

Check out Gabby's Website and the books below!

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