Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mini-Manifesting Guide

For anyone wanting to manifest anything, I highly recommend Denise's mini-manifestation guide. I have copied and pasted the steps here but to get the full effect, go to her site, submit your e-mail address, and RECEIVE!

This is only part of the guide. Please go to the website for the full version.

STEP 1: Declutter Your Life (Physically & Emotionally)
Otherwise known as deal with your crap. It’s virtually impossible to create an
outrageously successful life when you have yucky emotional baggage from the past
sabotaging you constantly. It takes super-woman effort and there’s an easier way.
I wasn’t always so lucky. Actually I used to be constantly resentful, angry and sulky. I was
carrying so much damn ‘stuff’; fury towards old boyfriends and memories from my
childhood and so I kept manifesting problems like debts and pneumonia. I couldn’t
create magic, I was trying to survive day to day against an unsympathetic world.
Decluttering my life turned it all around. Skip this step and you will be destined to repeat
your old pathetic patterns and never taste what life is like as an effortlessly lucky bitch.
Deal with it now. Trust me, it’s totally worth it.

Step 2: Decide What You Want
Not what you think you’re allowed to have, but what you really want. A gazillion dollar
business, an Oscar and that seriously cool yoga mat? It’s all the same to the Universe.
Lots of women get all shy at this stage because of our conditioning as little girls. Take the
smaller piece of cake, have ‘realistic’ dreams and always be polite. Um, no thanks.
You’re an adult now and you’re allowed to have the biggest and shiniest of everything,
so make sure you’re asking for what you really want, because the Universe is ridiculously
literal. If you’re vague or play small, don’t be pissed at what shows up. You asked for it!
Ask for ‘more money’… a dollar might show up in the washing machine. Tick!
Ask for ‘more love’ in your life… and a stray cat starts to hang around. Tick!

Step 3: Surround Yourself with Positivity
The fastest way to attract those bright, brilliant dreams is to align yourself every day to
positive feelings. Don’t worry - you can’t overdose on happiness, but the counterintuitive
Law of Attraction is you only get more of what you’ve already got.
Purge your language of words like can’t or impossible. Be particularly vigilant about the
messages you put into your little brain and choose to be inspired - this includes your
choices around TV, movies, books and even the music you listen to. Everything in your
world has a subconscious effect, so be snobby – only the best is invited in.

Step 4: Take Inspired Action
Nothing, nothing will happen until you take action. But, when you activate the Law of
Attraction with all of the other steps, every time you knock on a door, the Universe
knocks on 1000. Take a big leap that scares the crap out of you and the ‘lucky’
opportunities that come your way will astonish you.
If the dream is so big that it’s causing anxiety attacks and bouts of procrastination, just
take one teeny, tiny baby step towards it.

Step 5: Allow & Expand
Instant manifestation of your goals is cool but unless you’ve made friends with a magic
genie there’s usually a time lag before it actually shows up. Bummer!
If you freak out and let your doubts take hold, you’ll jam your manifestation pipes and
press pause on the delivery of your dreams.
Gracefully allowing your wildest dreams to come to you is an art, but don’t put your life
on hold until you get everything on your wish list. Go out and enjoy yourself. Wear your
fanciest clothes, use your special tea-pot and buy yourself flowers for no reason.
Treating yourself like a VIP will only speed up your success and your manifesting ability.
For some reason, the Universe loves to help happy and positive people who already
consider themselves awesome, as opposed to the desperate and down in the dumps.

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