Friday, October 21, 2011

Crazy and UnSexy Meat and Dairy

Kris Carr was diagnosed with cancer at barely 30 years old. Her cancer was untreatable. Think about it. you're just minding your won business living life. All of a sudden Gd decks you to the floor. Unwilling to let cancer beat her, Kris embarked on a journey of nutrition, spirituality, and love. Her story is inspiring, courageous, and nothing short of amazing. I highly recommend her books and DVDs. See bottom of post for links. I finished Kris' book "Crazy Sexy Diet" about a month ago. It's a game changer.

Kris was able to treat her cancer by making lifestyle changes such as nutrition, exercise, meditation, and more. She goes into a lot of detail about why humans should be eating a plant based diet and not the American diet (fast food, processed foods, meat, dairy, sugar, trans fats). I will devote this particular post to meat and dairy (and how yucky they are).

Here are the facts (from 'Crazy Sexy Diet')

- Although your ancestors may have ate meat back in the day it's not the same today since we ate much larger portions, more frequently, and more "diseaseridden" farms! Plants were mostly gathered for meals.

- Our intestines are 26" long. Carnivores' intestines are much shorter. The animal therefore gets digested faster. But for us, it takes much longer (think dead animal in 98.6 degrees) YECH!

- We only really need .36 grams of protein her body pound which can be easily reached from plant based foods (black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils,etc.)

- "[Dairy] industry executives become government regulators, then become industry executives again, like one big revolving door swirling with crazy money."This means, money becomes more important than our health.

- The China Study. Read it. It makes a direct link from protein found in animal  products (casein) to CANCER. Plant proteins were found to have enough power to turn cancer on or off!! AMAZING! But you probably didn't hear about it because the meat and dairy industry's propaganda was louder.

- Links to dairy: Crohn's disease, kidney stones, eczema, allergies, asthma, arthritis, inflammation, pimples, stomach pain, gas, and bloating. That's a long ass list and I'm sure there's more.

- Animals are injected with hormones, steroids, and other drugs. Even that milk or cheese has hormones in it. "In the United States, dairy products account for 60 to 80 percent of estrogens consumed." This is due to the excessive estrogen a cow produces when her body is tricked into being pregnant all the time.

- Effects of dairy in women: earlier puberty, more menstrual cycles, higher risk of ovarian and breast cancer later in life.
- Effects of dairy in men: estrogen causes man boobs, delayed emotional maturity, and possibly a lower sperm count.
- Cooking meat at high (grill, broiler, fryer) heats increases cancer inducing carcinogens.

This is just the beginning. I haven’t even gotten into animal cruelity. And that’s a doozy. I will let you get into that one yourself if you are interested. Here are some awesome resources. I highly recommend doing your research on this. We are talking about the difference between life and death for us and other children.

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